Bet On Soldier (PC) DIGITAL

Nákupem získáte 2 kredity
Lze objednat max. 2 ks na zákazníka.
Osobní odběr
23 let
Naše výhody
8x vítěz
Ceny kvality
Aktivace: SteamSteamŠtítky: FPS, Mechové
Typ hry: Hra pro jednoho hráče
Jazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Kód produktu: 7194550
  • In a world where war has been waged for 80 years, the general public revel in televised transmissions of battles, which rage right across the globe.
    The best soldiers have become celebrity A-listers and their fights draw incredibly huge bets.
    You take on the role of one of these soldiers and have to forge a career for yourself as a champion, idolized by the masses! If you get tired of the massacring, join up with the resistance and fight the system. They’ve seen you're a natural born leader!

    Bet and kill to earn enough money to survive
    Travel the four corners of the earth, with more than 40 champions to beat in 25 missions
    Non-linear storyline with two possible endings
    Full, evolving arsenal with over 40 weapons
    Two endings - choose your own destiny
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