Časopis White Dwarf 2024/10 (Issue 505)

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23 let
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8x vítěz
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Merchandise: Desková hra, Herní příručka, Warhammer Knihy
Jazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Výrobce: Games Workshop
Kód produktu: 65464
  • White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests and more.
    It’s Orktober! Issue 505 of White Dwarf gets right into the spirit of things with a massive Mega Battle Report, a chaotic multiplayer mission, a pop-out photographic background for both Orks and orruks, and miniatures galleries throughout. It’s not Orks all the way down though, as the Adepta Sororitas receive a new slate of Crusade Rules while the designers of the new Skaven legions talk all about the verminous horde’s creation through a chunky 14-page report.
    Časopis White Dwarf 2024/10 (Issue 505)
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