Hearts of Iron III: German II Sprite Pack (PC) DIGITAL


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Aktivace: SteamSteamJazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Typ hry: DLC
Kód produktu: 7007316
  • Battle Tank A7V Main Battle Tank Leopard 1 a1

    The Second German spritepack adds 12 more German sprites in the game including the Graf Zeppelin Aircraft Carrier, the ME-163 Komet Interceptor, and theV2 A4 Rocket.

    3 new ships

    CV “Graf Zeppelin” BC “Schleswig Holstein” DD: Large Torpedoboat Destroyer G7 Class

    3 new submarines

    Submarine Type II A Submarine Type II B (Bridge 1942) Submarine Type XXI

    1 new airplane

    Messerschmidt  Me-163 Komet

    3 new rockets

    V2 A4 V2 A9 V2 A10

    2 new tanks

    Battle Tank A7V Main Battle Tank Leopard 1 a1
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