Circle Empires: Rivals (PC) Steam

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Osobní odběr
23 let
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8x vítěz
Ceny kvality
Aktivace: SteamSteamŠtítky: Fantasy, Real-time strategie
Typ hry: Hra pro jednoho hráče, Hra pro více hráčů, Online multiplayer, Lokální multiplayer
Jazyk: AngličtinaAngličtina
Kód produktu: 7933163
  • Circle Empires: Rivals is the multiplayer sequel to the original award-winning real-time strategy game enjoyed by more than 300,000 players worldwide! Fast-paced action and hundreds of different units combined with a procedurally-generated world of circles to make every session exciting and unique. You’ll have to devise new strategies and clever tactics to defeat your enemies, harvest resources and increase your power – alone or online with friends!

    “It’s amazing to have watched the project evolve from a free demo into the single-player experience, and now at last, into a multiplayer one as well!” – The Luminous Team

    Fast-paced RTS
    Play alone or with friends in a variety of (online) game modes, including multiplayer co-op
    The world is made of circles, each with different loot and enemies
    Hundreds of different creatures, buildings and harvestable resources
    Units gain XP and level up
    Six game modes including: Roguelike, King Hunt and Stop the Army
    10 new biomes with different bonuses and mechanics
    25+ different faction leaders and 40 huntable boss monsters
    Procedurally generated worlds containing unique flora and fauna
    Huge range of difficulty options for any skill level

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